Sobre mim

"Sou Bacharel em Ciências Moleculares, e Doutorando em Física. Jogador inveterado de RPG e video-game. Terceiro-mestre na arte de pentelhar, e build full int/cha."

Golden Compass Daemon Testsexta-feira, janeiro 11, 2008 | 1

Eu não ví e nem lí nada da Bússola Dourada, mas depois de ler aqui um pouco sobre a história, e sobre os tais "espíritos animais" (daemon), resolvi fazer o teste pra ver no que que dava... e até que o teste é bem feitinho, segue abaixo o resultado. (Na história, pelo que entendi, existe um tipo de espírito animal, que inicialmente não tem forma, mas depois assume a forma de um animal dependendo da personalidade da pessoa)

Seu resultado: The Honest Soul.

You scored 1 Extroversion, 3 Sensitivity, and 13 Openness!

You are a talkative, open kind of person. You wear your heart on your sleeve, and you trust people not to break it. In a way, you are as honest and trusting as a child. You are comfortable with who you are and have a strong sense of self, but you are also a little sensitive. Hurtful remarks, especially from people whose opinion you value, have the power to wound you terribly.

You tend to be open about your thoughts and opinions, and you find it difficult to hide your emotions from people. You like to share your thoughts, opinions, and emotions with people, and to hear theirs in return. When someone disagrees with you or offends you, you will take them up on it, whether they are friends or strangers. You don't mind a friendly debate, but become upset when things get hostile. You wish that people wouldn't take everything so personally, but simply think calmly about things.

You have a close knit group of friends and family for whom you would sacrifice almost anything. You don't like big parties full of strangers - you would rather spend your time with the people whom you really care about. You need a private spot where you can retreat when the world gets to be too much, but you want to be able to emerge from your "den" and find your loved ones there to heap love and affection upon you.

Your daemon would represent your loving, open nature, and he or she would probably spend a lot of time encouraging you to be independent and to do the right thing.

Suggested forms:
Dog, Otter, Marmoset, Saw-Whet Owl, Songbird, Chinchilla.

Link: The Golden Compass Daemon Test criado por wolfcaroling

1 comentários:

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  • Francisco disse...

    Eu vi o filme e tô lendo o livro. Achei muito bom, tanto que já comprei o segundo volume pra ler quando terminar o primeiro. O daemon não é uma coisa separada da pessoa, faz parte dela - os dois são apenas um. Tanto que pra eles ver uma pessoa sem daemon é a mesma coisa que ver uma pessoa sem cabeça.

    Pra constar: pra mim deu honest soul também.