Sobre mim

"Sou Bacharel em Ciências Moleculares, e Doutorando em Física. Jogador inveterado de RPG e video-game. Terceiro-mestre na arte de pentelhar, e build full int/cha."

-----quarta-feira, março 31, 2004 | 0

Star of Tears
Game: Xenogears

Your fingertips Moving gently to my heart
The force of Life goes on and on
The song remains
Like a haunting melody
Of angel music held in chains

And I ask you
Can we ease the pain of those who lost (The force of life goes on)
Can we know the cause of all this sorry (Tears of Loneliness)
Can we catch the tears of a broken world
Falling down upon the earth...

The waves of time take me deeper into you
A haze as blue as summer skies
And turn to find
The key will not unlock the door
This broken bird away it flies

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