Sobre mim

"Sou Bacharel em Ciências Moleculares, e Doutorando em Física. Jogador inveterado de RPG e video-game. Terceiro-mestre na arte de pentelhar, e build full int/cha."

-----sexta-feira, março 26, 2004 | 0

Copiando o meu morzin, resultado de testezinhos:


Which Final Fantasy 8 Character Are You?

You are Headmaster Cid! A true leader, you
are mature and usually have matters well in hand. You
are seasoned, wise, and level-headed, handling many
responsibilities. In matters of love, you may be shy at first,
but you're a very passionate person.

Take the Final Fantasy 8 Test here!

E o 2o lugar ficou com:
Which Final Fantasy 8 Character Are You?

You are Laguna! Although you're way too shy with the
opposite sex, you've got a heart of pure gold. You're a good
leader and well liked by those who know you. Most of your
friends look to your good sense when they need advice.

Take the Final Fantasy 8 Test here!

E o resultado geral:

1- Cid
2- Laguna
3- Quistis
4- Edea
5- Squall
6- Ellone
7- Kiros
8- Rinoa
9- Selphie
10- Zell
11- Irvine
12- Raijin
13- Fuujin
14- Seifer
15- Ward

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